Adventure therapy takes place predominantly in natural and near-natural spaces. During this module, you will learn to choose activities and therapy locations is made in response to individual and group needs, existing resources, and possibilities, as well as the anamnesis and diagnostics. During this module, we will explore diverse methods of reflection and promotion of transfer that support sustainable therapeutic impact.
Date: 15.07. - 19.07.2024
Location: Mountain Hut "Untere Heuberghütte", Mittelberg, Kleinwalsertal/ Austria
Training Language: English (German course parallel)
Speakers: Christiane Thiesen, Alexander Rose, Per Wijnands
Duration: 5 days
Scope: 35 hours (46,5 learning units)
Certification: Our international training courses are recognized by the "Associaton for experiential education (AEE/ USA)" for the certification process "Certified Clinical Adventure Therapist (CCAT)".
Price: 1.785,00 € (incl. 19% VAT | excl. accommodation & meals)