9th International Adventure Therapy Conference ProceedingsMore than 40 con­tri­bu­ti­ons of aca­de­mic, prac­ti­ce-ba­sed and opi­ni­on pa­pers are available as open-ac­cess ar­tic­les in a spe­cial edi­ti­on of our jour­nal



The In­ter­na­tio­nal Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py Con­fe­ren­ces (IATC) are held tri­en­ni­al­ly to pro­vi­de gathe­rings for out­door and ad­ven­ture the­ra­py prac­ti­tio­ners, aca­de­mics, re­se­ar­chers, po­li­ti­ci­ans, al­lied pro­fes­sio­nals, and stu­dents wi­thin va­rious fields.

With the con­fe­rence re­tur­ning to Eu­ro­pe, 9IATC was mer­ged with the 3rd Gathe­ring for Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py in Eu­ro­pe (3GATE). Due to the pan­de­mic and the one-year post­po­ne­ment, the 2022 con­fe­rence in Nor­way mark­ed the 25th an­ni­ver­sa­ry of IATC.

As the first hy­brid IATC, of­fe­ring live strea­ming and di­gi­tal pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, the 9IATC/3GATE gathe­red ne­ar­ly 400 at­ten­de­es in Sou­thern Nor­way and 150 on­line par­ti­ci­pan­ts from a to­tal of 42 na­ti­ons. Of the­se, coun­ted 50 stu­dents, 42 vol­un­teers and 18 or­ga­nisers.

Find more in­for­ma­ti­on about the con­fe­rence the­me, pro­gram­me, and pho­to gal­lery:



On be­half of the con­fe­rence or­ga­nisers and the Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py In­ter­na­tio­nal Com­mit­tee (ATIC), the 9IATC/3GATE con­fe­rence pro­cee­dings are pu­blished in Jour­nal of Ad­ven­ture The­ra­py. More than 40 con­tri­bu­ti­ons of aca­de­mic, prac­ti­ce-ba­sed and opi­ni­on pa­pers will be available as open-ac­cess ar­tic­les in a spe­cial edi­ti­on of the jour­nal, in ad­di­ti­on to be com­pi­led in the forth­co­ming pro­cee­dings e‑book, edi­ted by our CEO Alex­an­der Rose and Ca­ri­na Ribe Fer­nee.


Crowd­fun­ding for the 9IATC + 3GATE Book of Pro­cee­dings starts soon, click here for more info!