CLINICAL ADVENTURE AND NATURE THERAPYAdventure and nature therapy as a specific therapeutic intervention

24.04.2024 - 28.04.2024 / Blossin - Berlin Area/ 20% reduction till 31.12.23/  5 days | 35h (46,5 learning units) aligned with CCAT/ CTAS certification criteria of AEE | This module explores the competencies of health trainiers to clinical specialists and covers experience-specific skills and contents. (english & german language)


This module explores the competencies of health trainers to clinical specialists and covers experience-specific skills and contents.

These are the main competencies you will develop in this training:
Knowledge and skills regarding clinical disorders, abnormalities, and dysfunctional behaviors, and their treatment options, including their possible impacts during adventure therapy interventions.

Process design and process support for individuals and groups within the therapeutic relationship, including the therapeutic atmosphere. This includes knowledge, skills, and competencies for interdisciplinary cooperation and collaboration; risk and safety management; and a knowledge and understanding of relevant legal matters.

This training module (2) is part of our Adventure and Nature therapist Certification, ask for more info.

Trainers: Alexander Rose (ES), Per Wijnands (NL), Christiane Thiesen (DE)

Discount for members of Bundesverband Individual- und Erlebnispädagogik e.V.